PANIS ANGELICUS--the bread of angels.

The investigation of engelbrot is primarily economic in our case--if we could heal the wounds of our existential woes such that we would eliminate wars, restraining orders, mental hospitals, family courts, estate and land squabbles and the like, --exactly how much money and time would we save? Its incalcuable, for it would remake time itself.
Perhaps it IS remaking time itself--the Alfa and the Omega, who said the Mass was to REMEMBER him.
PANIS ANGELICUS which is Latin way to say Engelbrot, which is the German way to say Lembas--which is the faeirie way Tolkien imagined the elves to say bread of angels, (and he attended Mass every day adn believed strongly in his guardian angel.)and who knows how the angels pronounce it--as to food for earthly dwellers, is small and plain, no cheese, no oil, no honey,its def not a brioche.. but purports to have eternal energy, eternal ecstasy.
As to love--Engelbrott is also an object of adoration--as to guide to paradise, not a stupendous eruption of lava or fireworks but a lighthouse for the heart.. a true beacon of love. "I wait for you" says Engelbrott. Come and be my friend.ANGELS

The valanga recommends engelbrott for many reasons, for those who say they dont' have time, the valanga would answer, we don't have time not to. after all Pio took three hours for his masses the same time it took Gesus to do it.
Ma guarda Concludo, ho detto, He's calling you down from heaven, e Gesu rispode, Io sono concludo, chi dice "tutto e compiuto" and I am inizio, the Alfa and the Omega, the Volcano of fire that lets out the smoke of the kiln, and the Horseshoe of the forge of blessedness forever.ENGELBROTT at 530 AM 1130 PM and 130 AM EST..

In todays' readings of the letters of Pio, Pio writes to his spiritual director from home, that he is suffering all the time, he is not worthy of God or of anyone and that God is disgusted by him.