Engelblau is the Guide of this website, all visitors are escorted around the premises by Engelblau per valangaverse policy.
If you whistle for engelblau he will surely come, since he is already listening for you and we humans "breathe so loud the angels could shoot us in the dark."

Why angels? why faerie? why would a university make this a requirement?
arent faerie tales just--well--faerie tales?
isnt it just the opiate of the poor?
Maybe not.
Maybe angels are a necessary element of human happiness.

The leopard had battled her family's demons all her life, from grade school when she was continually asked by the school shrink: what is wrong at home, what is wrong at home.

When the leopard was in college she had grown up enough to explain her massive hooky record at least to one understanding professor, who gave her some books by RD Lainge, the Scottish psychiatrist.

Lainge is a fascinating character in some ways--But Lainge indirectly blamed his psychosis on his parents, which is problematic: his own kids ended up in mental wards, and his 22 year old daughter shortly before succumbing to cancer, said that ironically her world famous father could not face the problems in his own family.

Pier Pasolini on the other hand, posed the same question: why are the young unhappy? And did not blame anyone but himself.
Like Chesterton who when asked what is wrong with the world, answered simply. "ME".
Pasolini placed the blame for teenage violence and suicide on himself and his own generation.

We take away the supernatural world, he observed, the ancient source of happiness, and we tell people to buy more and more things.
And they are miserable.

Accordingly, The very first part of the cor curriculum is based on the theory of Faerie, which includes Eucatastrophe, a word coined by Tolkien.

History: the moon; Company: the fire; University: the Horseshoe.
