Why does valanga have this cor curriculum? isnt that being authoritarian, to require people to learn something in order to receive something(in our case a degree from Uriels and a UBI style pass to paradise?)
Not always: for example most people know its not instinctive to ride a bicycle-- you have to learn.
is the earth being authoritarian?
In the same way, the teachings of love are the foundation of this project.
But the leopard while a leper and a college cast out in the hidden ghettos of the world, ministering to her mentally ill and deadly sibling, had still inherited the dominant European culture, which for centuries had prized education and monetary wealth as tickets to living in freedom.
So the classes assume a certain familiarity with the "history" and "culture" that Pier Giorgio, Paul Klee, ANtonio Lo Duca and others inherited.

To understand the concept of universal asylum and UBI style freebies, understnad that "in the beginning it was not so" does not only apply to divorcing a woman in an age where she would NOT LEGALLY BE A PERSON if she did not have a male guardian, but also to HANDS OFF CAIN which descended by the time of moses into EYE FOR AN EYE
THis is why public confessions must have gone into a box as the Roman empires Justinian codes merged with the nascent revolution of love.
Its no good shouting your sins in front of Pontius Pilate, to him its just another day at the colosseum.
THe memory of God's mercy, so bright and beautiful for Cain had faded.
with the eucharist we can recover it but our minds need to be brought into the sine curve of heaven so to speak.
For this reason, an apprenticeship to love is required.