How does art in architecture and beauty in gardens improve the economic state of the human race? Does it? a few musings.

The ark of the covenant needed a fortress and a military to defend it, and a garden within to feed the people, which the Israelites would have learned from all their skirmishes in the desert.
This old mindset of God as warrior king--which God told Samuel was not the correct concept anyway because it was just too darn expensive--- according to Berman would give way to the concept of God as bread (which probably predated the other one anyways) and eventually to God as a wind and a fire, the sun which cooks the wheat and the wind which scatters the seed, and brings the rain to water it---- the Spirit which is our voice, humankinds' great gift, the ability to form the wind and direct it back towards its heart: the volcanic heart from whence it came. For, the physical world and the world of the supernatural are not divided as we think but they are one, in the ancient unities of Barfield that we must bring back together by our participation. by being living stones, the temple of the Wind of Love.

So the castle and the garden..Wellesley was an attempt to recreate the feudal castles rich lords inherited in the days of the middle ages, before the printing press came along, before the economy switched from cheese to change.

The school actually used to offer classes on cathedrals and castles.


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