The Musical minutes of the Blue Moon.
A story about the blue moon
Some recordings

Is today the day of Hurricane Henry perhaps the best day for good news?
Even if your vacation did get ruined...Even if you wasted money on a manilow ticket and were told to "go on home".
Or maybe you had plans to cruise up the river and now you can't
Is this hurricane which has trumped the blue moon not a sign that the Holy Spirit will come at the behest of the Black Madonna?

This is the coronation of the queen of the Vangelo, the one Gabriel blew in from Heaven to Holler at, as it were, withe the voice of an angel.
Amateur astronomers will know we were supposed to get a blue moon today but instead we got a hurricane.
is this as the first nations of the Americans believed, the uracan, the "evil deity" or is it simply the war between that spirit and the wind of the good spirit, sent by his spouse the queen, like Apollo driving the chariot of the rising sun?

Milk dud, named for the Carmel candy which in turn is named for Mount carmel, the mountain of song (did anyone say orpheus, whose song defeated the gates of hell) is arguably as magnificent as Matilda Lando, if not more so, due to the moon.
And we know that God sent rain and he told elijah, who then directed his servant to look out until he saw a 'raincloud as small as a man's hand rising off the sea".
Elijah then won the messenger marathon, as he hitched up his flood pants and the spirit blew. him all the way to Jezreel and he got there BEFORE the chariots of Ahab.
As we noted elsewhere, Elijah was actaully taken to heaven by a golden chariot, though it does not say driven by Apollo, it most likely was a huge company of Nascar pit stop angels mounted on the horsepowers of heaven.

(insert maserati pic here.)


this pedagogical program is based on economic necessity.
While there were too many collaborators to count, and there is surely every intention of honoring them all, from godfathers and refugees to ivy league professors, the program was put together by an individual for reasons that are primarily economic and tied to the METOO movement and mental illess as well.
All that is part of the skandalon skole which surely did bring a lot of opposition.
Here, to understand our support of Eden style economy (everything is free) for all as the only way to put right the economy and give everyone a chance at a decent life, the participants are encouraged to go through Pinocchio primary school, Middle earth middle School, holywood high school and finally, Uriel University which researches the truth, (what is that, says Pilate-- don't be like him--don't execute an innocent man) awards degrees after 360 credits instead of the usual 300.
(make sure this is accurate.)

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