Some true acts of angelic administration.
once the cherry moon trust had been constructively created by funding it with the car, six months went by and there were two October moons, the second of which was a halloween moon and also a "blue moon." Thus it appeared that engelblau had blessed the effort of economic equailty.
The following spring, Romero and Guardian Gabriel got a cell phone for the trust, and Pier Giorgio helped the trust by donating a macbook he didnt donate the money but found an affordable used one that worked.
The trust was thus able to execute documents to regiser the car to the trust which may not sound like a big deal to some, but it was.
This sets a precedent that only those who love each other and do not exploit each other, will have the right to the mo
This following part is humorous,and unlike what is above, fictional.
the happy side of the greek drama masks is called comedy not faerie, but is also fictional.
Thats what theater is, its a riff on reality.
isnt it?
To show that there is a method to the merriment, angels and administrators share a common mission: to distribute God's presence on earth.

Angels are present in all five of the joyous mysteries: the announcement, they tell Joseph its ok to marry his girlfriend, they appear in a bumpkin field to sing to shepherds, they warn Joseph and the magi to escape from Herod and they also tell Joseph its ok to go back home but not to the same "hood" as it were.
Again in the glory they appear constantly: at the empty tomb, escorting Jesus to heaven and asking the disciples "u looking at me?", again escorting and crowning the Blessed Mother.
But in between they appear only once, to comfort Jesus in the garden of gethsemane.
Instead the life of CHrist becomes the light.
This in a sense is the job of the administrators of graces, who like angels are called to bring graces from God.

Pope frank while vacationing in Gandolfo along with gandalf and gandolfini (the provenance of that word would make for an interesting study in the holy spirit) became so conerned taht he could not house the world in the castello gandolfo, that he stayed up past his bedtime writing a fidecomisio "pe' l mondo intero" as he put it.
Unable to convince Biden, Boris and other parties to the Geneva convention to release stimmies to all, he downed far too many pots of moka, wrote a five hundred page stimmy manifesto, blowing anything written by Marx quite literally out of the Galilee waters, and initiated what became the francis zombie apocalypse.
Local networks saw a gold mine to be had and combined this with shark nado five: rise of the Papi pescatori, in which generations of popes moka fueled zombie-like supernatural energy was directed at catching corporate sharks and turning them into saints. Neocities.

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