ENGELFEUR Il giornale dei pompiere di Dio

Join the angels for rosencranzt prayers at regular intervals.
For example 7:30 Am, good time to say the rosary to start the day off right!
SIng the rosary, for example, Annunciation could be "a little good news."
THe bible readings for the ten commandments could be "high on a mountain of Love" by Johnny RIvers.
The fire angels reserve the right to douse pizza with the waters of he Jordan river in their own discretion, whether or not a volcanic eruption in a toaster oven is imm

erano le tre di mattutina e come sempre gli angeli di Engelhaus 20 si erano reuniti "in quel posto lo sai" a ripassare le facendi dIddio.non e facile spegnere sempre i fuochi falsi di Lucifero e poi sostenere quelli dello Spirito.
ci sono problemi pero, ribatti Uriel, mentre emergeva dal garage con le ali coperte di olio motore.
La carrozzeria dolce del sole non prende, e il chassis sempre piu basso.
I just got off the engelphone with pezzentiplatz, and the warehaus is fresh out of engelcharge.
We better send somebody over to Concludo cattedrale to power up.

I cant get on the list over there anymore complained a lesser angel
The mans' sermons are more popular than a ronaldo tweet. I think I saw Brittney's shrink in the congregation yesterday asking for spiritual direction.
Just use the basement chapel, suggested Uriel.
load the charge in your wings like the bees do honey and we'll have the chariot up and running in no tires flat.
Meanwhile a kuchenengel had overheard the debate.
Ill go with you he said I need to cook some chip ahoy cookies.
We can't waste the charge on that exlclaimed Uriel, Eucharists are in short supply rn and we need to make more pronto.

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